If something has gone wrong with the transaction, or a buyer is not satisfied with the item,the seller might need to issue a refund/return.

Click the “Return/Refund tab. From there you will see all the return/refund request.

From Detail, seller can find out the status, request date and return reason.

Process when issuing a refund/return:

When a buyer receives the order and is not satisfied, the buyer contacts the seller and raises a refund/return with a valid reason. If seller agrees to refund/return, buyer need return the goods and seller will issue the refund or send the new replacement item.

Shipping cost will bear by seller or buyer. Subject to case refund/return.

How to reject the return request which not reasonable?

When the item is not eligible for return, seller has to fill in the reason for rejection and has to communicate with buyer. A dispute resolution can be opened and the process can be completed in 14 days.